Thursday, September 9, 2010

Golden and Enderly, BC

We have been traveling for the past couple of days and it has been somewhat disappointing. Not because it wasn't beautiful scenery flying by because there was, but because the weather has not at all cooperated. The clouds have been low and it has been raining on and off.

Today we had trouble finding an RV park close to the main road near Enderby, BC and so we were referred to one...oh, shall we say, "Off the beaten path?" Yes. We will definitely say that! Then, in the process of finding the park, our GPS decided to play games with us, so it got really interesting.

When we finally did locate the park, we discovered it was so far back in the boonies that there was no cell phone or Internet service. After getting the RV settled, we had to drive several miles back the way we had come, in order to get a cell service and call to check on the developments concerning Don's lost cell phone. It's still lost and the new one has not been delivered as promised. Maybe tomorrow.

However I have discovered that if I park the car next to the RV park's office, sit in it to type, I can access their Internet. Great!!

So, because I want to blog, I proceed to download my latest pictures (mostly of cloud-covered mountains). Now it's my camera's turn to give me a headache.

Instead of downloading just the pictures that I have taken since the last download like it has done every day of this trip so far, it decides to download everything I have taken on the ENTIRE trip, 1000+ pictures.

That means I would have to manually go through and delete about 980 or so of them. No, thanks! I don't know if this means I need a new SIM card or if it is just giving me a hard time. What it DOES mean, is, "No pictures in the blog today," at least till I figure out what is going on.

In between episodes with the lost cell phone and the ornery camera, we did go even further up the back road where the park is located because the park manager said there was a lake up there with a good restaurant.

It turned out that there was a huge lake there, lots of homes, condo's, RV parks where people paid huge amounts of money to buy a spot of dirt to park their rigs, a golf course and an air park.

We weren't sure what the major attraction was that warranted all of this so discussed it with the waitress. It seems that nothing is regulated up there yet. Fishing is incredible (We saw one person bringing in several huge salmon weighing more than 20 pounds each when we stopped by the lake store.)

There is also boating, snowmobiling, of course the golf and almost anything else you want to do without government interference there. So for that, people are willing to pay big bucks, fly their planes in and play all summer long. It was an interesting scenario.

Tomorrow we will be going to Oliver, British Columbia, in the south part of the providence and wait there for, with luck, Don's new cell phone to arrive. It is a beautiful area (as all of BC that we have seen is) and is a major fruit and wine producing area. In the meantime, I will try to sweet talk my camera into cooperating with me...or just go buy a new SIM card...whichever works.

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