Friday, September 17, 2010

Leavenworth,WA-Our Final Stop

I have always wanted to spend some time in Leavenworth, Washington. It's a very unique little Bavarian town tucked in between tall and beautiful mountains. All the stores in town (even the Safeway) have hand painted Bavarian scenes. You see men on the street in lederhosen and women in long skirts, aprons and braids.

If you stop in Leavenworth for lunch, you see lots of brats and sauerkraut on the menu. Two years ago, on our way to Alaska, we stopped there. Unfortunately I had developed a "bug" and by the time we had walked into only two stores, I was so sick I only wanted be back in the RV, not on a shopping trip. So it was goodbye, Leavenworth.


Anyway, here we are again in Leavenworth for two whole days. We walked a few of the shops together before going back to the RV. Don, bless his heart, will shop with me for a while, but I know he doesn't enjoy it so didn't drag out the torture long.

Don told me to plan on spending all the next day shopping to my heart's content and eating my fill of sauerkraut (which he can't imagine even putting in his mouth!) as he had things to do at the RV for the day. It was his way of making up for my disappointing experience there two years ago.

We were still sore from our 589 steps (times 2, down and back up again) on our mine tour, but I was up for walking through every little shop in the town at a leisurely pace of course, not having to worry about Don getting tired and bored with the whole process.

So the next day, we had a great breakfast out and then drove back roads for an hour or so. Then I was off for my day browsing Leavenworth.


Every shop downtown has lots of hand painting on it and baskets and baskets of beautiful flowers. There was scaffolding on one store and three men were busy doing detailed hand painting of Bavarian scenes on the front.


Of course if you are in the market for Coocoo clocks or nutcrackers, you are in luck. I picked up a few small things and had my sauerkraut and schnitzel for lunch. Mmmm!

I was just about to head out to pick up fresh peaches at a fruit stand before going back to the RV when I got a call that Don's dad had taken another fall and the paramedics were there. I gave Don a quick call and we waited for more word.

At 98, Don's dad is amazing. A few cuts and bruises and a bump on the head and he is fine. We breathed a big sigh of relief.

Our plan was to head for the Maryhill Museum, next to the Columbia River, (about three hours away) spend the night there, and be home the day after that.

By evening Don was complaining of being even more "sore all over" and a headache. By morning he was down for the count with a nasty cast of the flu. The tail end of our trip was getting a bit dicey. This time it was his turn to be sick in Leavenworth.

Since I don't drive the motorhome, I made arrangements to stay in our RV space and cancelled the Maryhill reservations.

The following morning, as I was planning on staying put again another day to let Don recover, when "Superman Don" announced that we were leaving. Not only did we leave, but he drove the 6-1/2 hours all the way home without a stop.

We will check out Maryhill another time. He is still a bit green around the gills, but beginning to feel better.

All in all, we had a wonderful, wonderful trip. We saw an unbelieveable number of beautiful sights, but nothing ever looks as good as here we are till next time. We are not sure when next time is, but we'll keep you posted. Thanks for sharing our trip with us.

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