Saturday, August 28, 2010

Glacier National Park-Day 2

It's our second day to explore Glacier National Park. We got a bit of a late start as it was quite chilly this morning. It was 55 degrees when we left the RV around 10 am. We headed back into the park.

A stop at McDonald Lodge and Lake is always worth whatever time it takes. It is a beautiful place.

The lodge is old and historic, but the food leaves a lot to be desired. Last year we went to breakfast there on a Monday. We figured that the food had been cooked on the previous Saturday. Does that give you a clue? However, the ambiance is great and we even went back for breakfast a second day. We have not tried the food this year.

The lobby is full of natural log pillars and taxidermied animal heads. The light level is rather low, so I didn't get many pictures. They also have beautiful flowers on the grounds outside.

A boat tour with a ranger is available at the boat dock on the lake below the back of the lodge. We took it last year and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Front of McDonald Lodge

Back of the Lodge

McDonald Lake

Inside the lobby

I think John Muir still lives...

I always enjoy the flowers...
Then it was TIME TO HIKE...and today it was to Avalanche Lake. It starts very innocently enough at the Trail of the Cedars. A beautiful walk of a half mile...

We look prepared for a nice leisurely stroll in the woods, don't we?
Then... the trail veers off towards Avalanche Lake. First you walk along Avalanche Creek and Avalanche Gorge. The roaring water has carved out the rocks in huge curves. Amazing to see!


There was a deer that came right up to the trail, obviously not afraid of people.

The information at the beginning of the trail says that it is five mile round trip with an elevation gain of 385 feet.

It is a beautiful hike and lots of people are on the trail, however I am here to tell you that whoever measured the elevation gain...LIES!!! I think he dropped a zero after the 385!

The trail goes up and it goes down, and up again, and down and eventually it goes up... and up... and up... and UP!!! We would meet people on the trail who would say, "You are almost there!" They lied too.

Innocent looking trail, isn't it? Don't be fooled!
Finally, we did arrive, and it was spectacular. The lake was not huge but it was surrounded by monster rock walls. There were three waterfalls coming down the back side of the lake, into beautiful green water. The waterfalls were at least 1000 feet drops, probably more. We could hear the water crashing down the rocks and into the lake from the far side where we were. Amazing sights and sounds!!

We ate our lunch there, sitting on a log and just staring at all the beauty in front of us and relaxed for a while. Then we walked a little further around the lake to get a better view before heading back.

This shows two of the falls going into the lake.Third one is out of sight on the right.
As we started back down the trail, this time, we actually DID pass each other the Aleve bottle before we had gone even a quarter of the way. Old hips (Don) and knees (me) don't like all this downhill hiking.

It was a great trip that reminded me of when your doctor says, "You may have some discomfort." He really means, "You will have excruciating pain."

Same thing with the hike. It was rated, "easy to moderate." "Moderate" means you may die on the trail. We loved the hike...but we darn near killed ourselves doing it!!

We have now been back at the RV for three hours and are discussing if we want to take another "moderate" hike tomorrow. The beauty is definitely addicting. I'll let you know what we decide.

So tonight we are by the campfire. I am writing the blog and Don is reading a book about 1967 Glacier National Park grizzly bear attacks, "Night of the Grizzly".

I am soooo comforted when I see those, "Bear Warning" signs all over the park. How do you "play dead" when a 800 pound critter with bad breath and six inch claws is rolling you around on the ground? Not my idea of a good time. At least Don carries bear spray with us when we hike.

I re-e-e-ealy hope bears don't like the smell of that stuff!

PS: Be prepared. Don is threatening to write tomorrow's blog.

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