Thursday, August 26, 2010


Beautiful Montana!! Yes, scenery here is vastly different than Wyoming and it is great! We were thrilled to begin to see mountains...

...and lakes...big beautiful blue lakes...
and more lakes!!! Then came just plain beautiful scenery...


As we got closer to Columbia Falls, Montana, we once again found an area of wheat farming. Having grown up in the wheat fields of Kansas, it was fun to see the new and modern combines cutting wheat in the wheat fields. They were very different from what I had seen "back in the olden days."

Don, being a Southern California boy, ("Hang ten, Dude!!") has no clue about wheat harvest or what a combine even is. I explained a couple things to him.

I still don't think he knows what they do and why. But he for sure knows that bread comes from Safeway!! Hmmm!

As they say, opposites attract...then spend their whole married life driving one another crazy!

Then it was back to greener farms and ranches, always with the mountains in the background.

After we got to Hungry Horse, Montana, where our RV park is located, we took a drive up to the Hungry House Reservoir and dam. You can see the mountains that are in Glacier National Park from there.

As we were driving around the lake, we came on an area where there had been a forest fire sometime in the past. In one of the snag trees was an osprey nest with a couple of osprey sitting on the nest.

One decided to pose for the camera and spread his wings just at the right moment.

The dam at Hungry Horse Reservoir is the highest one in the state of Montana, towering 564 feet above the South Fork of the Flathead River, making it the nation's 11th highest concrete dam. (I didn't know any of this, I copied it out of a magazine, but thought you'd be impressed anyway.)

When we were driving around the reservoir we saw a car from Wyoming with a husband and wife inside. Now we know why we didn't really see anyone in Wyoming. Both residents of the state are here on vacation!

Tomorrow we head into Glacier National Park.

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