Thursday, August 26, 2010


Ah, Wyoming! The land of wide open spaces...and wide open spaces...and MORE wide open spaces...!

The main thing we saw driving south to north through this state was lots of grass...brown grass no less! There was no traffic at all. We rarely saw anything moving except the occasional cow, and not that many of them.

I did miss another photo op of two cowboys on horses herding a bunch of cows. It would have been a fun picture because it was so stereotypical of the West. Oh, well, it's tough getting all the pictures I would sometimes like from a large vehicle moving along the road at 60 or so mph.

Another picture I missed was the "sculpture" of a jackalope on the side of a hill...

However the one I DID get, was of a dinosaur. These are a welcomed snicker on an otherwise pretty uneventful drive.

However, we began seeing antelope, lots and lots of antelope. I was having a terrible time photographing them, so finally, since there was no one else on the road, Don stopped the motorhome right in the middle of the highway so I could get a good picture.

As we eventually got to the northern part of Wyoming, the terrain finally changed. When we came upon a lake and some rocky mountains, we had to stop and wait for road construction flaggers, so I was able to catch a few pix at less than 60 mph.

After that there was a beautiful drive through tunnels and a river canyon. I guess all of Wyoming isn't boring after all.
Finally we arrived in Cody, Wyoming to spend the night. While there, we visited the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. It is really a wonderful museum and we could have spent the whole day there.

There were several buffalo and other large mounted animals...

We saw the buffalo skin coat that Buffalo Bill wore as well as the beautiful wedding dress worn by his daughter...
This was an interesting old photograph of Buffalo Bill and some of his cohorts from that era.

We are out of Wyoming tomorrow and into Montana, where the scenery will be more interesting.

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